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Health and Social Care

Health and Social Care

8 Resources
An excellent value bundle, saving 69%. The bundle includes 9 topic areas and hours of activities for students in the following areas: Anti-discriminatory Practice, Alternative and Complementary health Care, Communication, Community Care, End of Life Care, Ethics, Discriminatory Practices, Multi-Disciplinary Team Work. Students will develop their ICT, Evluation, Research, Employability, English and Maths skills.


This was originally delivered over 2, 3 hour lessons to Access to HE students. There are activities including; types of abuse, accessible complaints procedures, serious case reviews and an activity where students have to design a new Health and Social Care Service compliant with safeguarding policy. Please note that this lesson is aimed at adult learners who have some prior knowledge of safeguarding. Furthermore, learners are expected to work as independent learners in the same way that they will at university. You will require computers for your students in order for them to do some independent research.
End of Life Care Palliative Care

End of Life Care Palliative Care

This is a whole lesson which was originally delivered over a 3 hour session but can be divided to make shorter sessions. Students will explore a range of topics via research, discuss and debating activities. Topics are as follows: Euthanasia and the differences between the subtypes Making Choices about end of life care End of Life Policies


10 Resources
This bundle features key tutorial topics surrounding bullying, drugs, employability, UCAS, alcohol, keeping healthy, radicalisation and more. It is aimed at 14-Adults. There are numerous activities which include citizenship, values, english, maths, ICT and employability.
Multi-Disciplinary Team Work

Multi-Disciplinary Team Work

Students will explore the following in relation to health and social care via a range of activities: To Explain what is meant by the term ‘multi-disciplinary team’ (MDT) To Evaluate multi-disciplinary team working within the Health and Social Care context To Analyse the influence of a health care professional and their professional bodies
Job Application Process

Job Application Process

3 Resources
This bundle includes session plans, lesson resources and handouts to cover: Interviews Application Forms Employment Letter writing
Communication in Health

Communication in Health

A PowerPoint featuring a full lesson with student centred activities to cover the following.. LO1: REFLECT ON YOUR OWN COMMUNICATION SKILLS LO2: Identify the reasons for effective health communication LO3: Explain the importance of effective communication in health and social care Students will also be able to utilise presentation skills, note-taking and referencing skills throughout and was originally aimed at pre-university course learners. You will need to have some coloured card of which you will cut each sheet into various regular shapes for students to participate in a silent jigsaw activity whereby they will only be able to use non-verbal communication. You will also need some case studies of cases of poor communication which fit the needs of your learners. These are easily accessible via the internet-if you need help, please contact me.
Job Searching

Job Searching

Lesson Objectives: To identify the common places to look for jobs. To identify the less common places to look for jobs. To be able to provide their own evidence for jobsearch trackers. Aimed at job searchers/seekers over the age of 16. Comes with student and teacher handout. Would benefit from a powerpoint presentation to aid in delivery.
Forensic Psychology

Forensic Psychology

Whole lesson covering what forensic psychology is and treatment of criminals. Student activities contained.
Coping with Job Rejection

Coping with Job Rejection

Whole Lesson covering the following via group and independent tasks: To identify the common reasons why people might not be hired for the job. To identify what people can do to counteract these reasons. To identify the worst reasons why people are not hired for jobs. Student documentation, a basic lesson plan and full PowerPoint have been included to provide you with everything you need to teach a lesson on job rejection.
Introduction to Mental Health

Introduction to Mental Health

This PowerPoint is full of student activities and was originally created for Access to Higher Education Learners to be delivered over two days. This unit of work covers introduction to mental health and mental ill-health, defining mental health, diagnostic manuals and reliability of these, types of mental illness, data exploration activities and scenarios based on the current mental health crisis. I was observed twice throughout this unit and received a grade 1. There are lots of links which can be pulled out for lesson planning in terms of English, Maths, Employability and Equality and Diversity.
Impact of Multi-Disciplinary Approach and Professional Bodies

Impact of Multi-Disciplinary Approach and Professional Bodies

PowerPoint with some teacher prompts based on recent research and full of student activities. Students can be fairly self-sufficient during this session. This was originally written for Access to HE but will also be useful for A-Level. Objectives are as follows: To Recap prior learning To Explain what is meant by the term ‘multi-disciplinary team’ (MDT) To Evaluate multi-disciplinary team working within the Health and Social Care context To Analyse the influence of a health care professional and their professional bodies


Originally produced for BTEC H&SC, Unit 9, Level 2 but would also be suitable for GCSE. Lesson was delivered in 1.5 hours with objectives as follows: To describe how smoking can effect health To explain why a smoker is at risk of diseases Please note, the quiz I have adapted from elsewhere but all other activities are original. Student activities include a smoking advert analysis, a paired extension activity where students investigate Cannabis, labelling physical and emotional health effects on worksheet provided, producing a warning poster/warning leaflet, starter activity and a range of other activities.
Macro and Micro Nutrients

Macro and Micro Nutrients

A PowerPoint presentation which can be used for a tutor led introduction or given to students as a revision material. The PowerPoint covers the major nutrient groups.
Measuring Crime

Measuring Crime

Originally created for A-Level learners, this lesson is also appropriate for Foundation degree and Access to HE students studying sociology, criminology and psychology. The lesson will enable learners to investigate how measuring crime has changed throughout the centuries as well as beginning to build up an idea of the reliability of crime data. Students will the reasons why crimes are not always report and take an in depth look at White Collar Crime, with reference to two well known case studies.


This is is a full lesson with activities which goes over in detail interview preparation, how to prepare for 'killer' questions and interview techniques to name but a few. The PowerPoint lesson resource has detailed notes in the notes field to help with delivery. There is a session plan included which can be adapted to suit your organisations paperwork. Aims and Objectives: To identify what an interview is for To identify some common questions To know how to deal with a “Killer Question” To identify why people aren’t successful at interview. Full information handouts for students as well as a student self evaluation activity on interview skills have been provided also.
Know Discriminatory Practices in Health and Social Care

Know Discriminatory Practices in Health and Social Care

Written for new BTEC Specification, Level 3, Unit 2, Equality and Diversity in Health and Social Care. Full 2.5 hour lesson which is mapped to part of the assignment with student activities throughout which include scenarios, group research tasks, case studies. Minimal teacher input required.
Study Skills/Employability

Study Skills/Employability

7 Resources
This bundle is aimed at ages 16-Adults and covers essential aspects of most study skills/employment courses. It can also be used for tutorials during the lead up to students applying for jobs or applying for university. This bundle also includes presentation skills, career planning and personal SWOT Analyses.
Application Form Activity Workbook with Lesson Plan

Application Form Activity Workbook with Lesson Plan

A comprehensive 9 page workbook on Application Forms and resources which contains activities and information on the following : 1. The Employers Perspective-Student put themselves in the position of the employer and decide who they would want to interview based on application forms 2. Key things to remember when completing application forms-room for student notes 3. Student checklist 4. How employers look through application forms e.g. searching questions 5. Transferable Skills Information 6. Transferable Skills Review Activity 7. Student Reflection/Evaluation
Applying for Jobs

Applying for Jobs

7 Resources
This bundle contrains lessons, handouts and activities which cover the following aspects of applying for jobs: Career Planning and Personal Skills Reviews Conflict Management and Coping with Setbacks Stress Awareness Employability Skills Workshop Employment Letter Writing Knowing Where to Look for Jobs